Frequently Asked Questions |

Both physical and legal entities can place an order on Legal entities must register or authorize the placing of an order, while physical entities can make it even without registration, submitting just their mobile numbers.
The cost of an order up to 50-100 GEL in Tbilisi is 5 GEL. Delivery of products purchased from 100 GEL is free. Shipping to corporate, partner companies is free. Depending on the order volume, delivery fees to regions will be calculated individually. The minimum cost of transportation is 10 GEL by Georgian Post.
Orders placed before 11 a.m. will be delivered in the first half of the day, until 2 pm. Products ordered and paid for between 11:00-14:00 will be delivered by 17:30 of the same day, and orders placed after 2:00 will be delivered in the first half of the next working day.
A necessary condition for corporate cooperation is the signing of an agreement, after which you will receive individual prices and conditions tailored to you, depending on the volume and intensity of monthly orders. For additional details, contact us: at 032 2 11 06 26, or write to
There are 4 payment methods at Payment based on invoice; This method is used both by legal entities and individuals. (It requires registration.) On the cart page, press the button "Place order" and then select "Receive invoice by email." After that, you will receive a link to the invoice as a notification on the e-mail specified during registration and as an SMS notification. payment by card; this method of payment is used for both legal entities and individuals. Registration/authorization is required for a legal entity, and authorization is not mandatory for natural persons. On the cart page, press the button - "Place an order" and select payment by card (in the case of a legal entity, we will be asked to go through registration/authorization and then we will be transferred to the IPAY system of the Bank of Georgia, while in the case of individuals, authorization is not mandatory, it is possible to use the quick payment functionality where only the mobile number is Input, SMS verification and press the IPAY payment button, after which we go to the Bank of Georgia payments page After payment, you will receive a confirmation SMS with a link to the invoice. With crypto currency: this payment method is mainly intended for natural persons (both authorized and without registration), however, registered/authorized legal entities can also pay with this method. On the cart page, we press the "Crypto payment" button. After authentication or SMS verification of the mobile number, we will be transferred to s payment system, where we choose the desired crypto asset. eg: Bitcoin, LiteCoin, Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin Gold, Dash, and Z cash are the cryptocurrencies you can pay with.
Any product that is not identical to the order or is defective is subject to exchange. The defect must be identified at the time of acceptance, otherwise the return will not be made.
The minimum order volume to use our distribution service is 50 GEL. In other cases, it is only possible to pick up the paid order from the place at the pre-arranged time.
კდ მეტა რესტორანი
ფუდ მარკეტი
Magic Candy
ATC აერო სტრუქტურები
ნიუ ვიჟენ დაზღვევა
მალ მალე
ეპამ სისტემსი
სასტუმრო თეორია
New Vision University
Hotel Shota Rustaveli
King David Hotel

კდ მეტა რესტორანი,ფუდ მარკეტი,Magic Candy,m-group,Timeless,ჯიბე,Hyster,დიო,ATC აერო სტრუქტურები,ნიუ ვიჟენ დაზღვევა,დეამედი,მალ მალე,ბადაგონი,ეპამ სისტემსი,სასტუმრო თეორია,აზრი,New Vision University,ჩვენი,პოლი,აისითი,Xiaomi,Hotel Shota Rustaveli,King David Hotel,