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Return Policy | Supta.ge

return policy

Return Policy - Learn about the conditions for returning or exchanging goods purchased on supta.ge

Return Policy




Return Policy


1. Conditions for the products/goods returns:

  • Products/goods can be returned within 14 calendar days in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of Georgia (Law of Georgia On the Protection of Consumer Rights, which entered into force on June 1, 2022).
  • The Company has the right not to accept returned products/goods if more than 14 calendar days have elapsed.

 2. Rules for returning the products/goods: 

  • When returning products/goods, all accompanying parts and documents (if any) issued upon purchase must be attached to the products/goods.

to the company’s e-mail: info@supta.ge / tel: (032) 2 11 06 26 or through another communication channel

  • In the event that the return is initiated by the customer immediately after delivery, the case will be registered at the information center by the courier, after which he will be given a confirmation to take the products/goods.

3. Return of the products/goods is possible:

  • If the products/goods purchased differ from the products posted/described on the webpage
  • If the products/goods are damaged during transportation
    • If the customer has not received the purchased products/goods within the time limit indicated by the delivery service after payment
    • If the products/goods have any manufacturing defects
    • In exceptional cases, the return of the products/goods is possible regardless of the above conditions, on the basis of a mutual agreement between the customer and the Company.


4. Return of the products/goods is impossible:

  • If they were hermetically sealed, and after purchase their tightness was damaged
  • If the product is manufactured to your specifications and meets only your needs
  • If you and the Company have agreed in advance that you will no longer have the right to return the product, you knew about this and fully used the service.
  • If there are signs of use/it has been used, opened, etc.


5. Reimbursement procedure:

  • The Company is obliged to reimburse the customer 100% of the amount paid if: (see paragraph 3)
  • The Company reimburses the customer the cost of the purchased products/goods within no more than 15 business days.


6. Transportation services reimbursement procedure:


When returning the products/goods by the customer, the Company reimburses the cost of transportation services, if:

  • The products/goods do not match the characteristics posted on the web page
  • The products/goods have any manufacturing defects
  • The products/goods are damaged during transportation


*Note: In all cases, the products/goods must be transported by the customer himself/herself or he/she must reimburse the cost of transportation services. The cost of transportation for the purchase of the products/goods up to 30 kg is GEL 10, and in the case of 30 kg or more - GEL 40.

კდ მეტა რესტორანი
ფუდ მარკეტი
Magic Candy
ფსიქიკური ჯანმრთელობის და ნარკომანიის პრევენციის ცენტრი
ATC აერო სტრუქტურები
ნიუ ვიჟენ დაზღვევა
მალ მალე
ეპამ სისტემსი
სასტუმრო თეორია
New Vision University
Hotel Shota Rustaveli
King David Hotel
კდ მეტა რესტორანი,ფუდ მარკეტი,Magic Candy,m-group,Timeless,ჯიბე,Hyster,Foodmart,დიო,ფსიქიკური ჯანმრთელობის და ნარკომანიის პრევენციის ცენტრი,ATC აერო სტრუქტურები,FRIXX,MINISO,ნიუ ვიჟენ დაზღვევა,დეამედი,მალ მალე,ბადაგონი,ეპამ სისტემსი,სასტუმრო თეორია,აზრი,სანდალი,რესპუბლიკა,New Vision University,ჩვენი,პოლი,აისითი,Xiaomi,Hotel Shota Rustaveli,King David Hotel,
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