JSC AID Group became an exclusive distributor of LTD Besttowel in Georgia

JSC AID Group became an exclusive distributor of LTD Besttowel in Georgia

JSC AID Group became an exclusive distributor of LTD Besttowel in Georgia.


   Today, AID Group JSC is known in Tbilisi for selling products of various Georgian productions through its web platform supta.ge, and more recently, our company concluded an agreement with Besttowel LLC, a Georgian company manufacturing microfiber cloths. Distribution of their products and exclusive cooperation will take a significant share in AID Group's portfolio of distribution goods.

 Besttowel LLC was founded about 2 years ago and started producing high-quality microfiber cloths in the Gldani Free Economic Zone in Georgia,Tbilisi, which it sells in European and Asian markets, and now, in cooperation with AID Group, it will supply both the local market and various chain markets, as well as a full range of these cloths will be presented on the web hypermarket - supta.ge.


The primary goal and mission of AID Group and Besttowel LLC is to replace imported microfiber cloths of Chinese or Turkish production on the Georgian market with local products that are not inferior in quality to imported ones, and in many cases even surpass them, which is ensured by the quality control mechanism of Besttowel LLC through an intermediary German inspection company that checks raw materials before they are imported to ensure that they fully comply with the high standards required by EU member states.


It was this factor that became one of the preconditions for the fact that AID Group JSC easily made a decision on cooperation and concluded an agreement with Besttowel LLC, since the priority of this company has always been and will be to provide quality products and services to all customers.


In the near future, AID Group, under its brand name Supta (Clean), will offer many more innovations, both to local producers and to its loyal or new customers.


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Date 2022.07.07
კდ მეტა რესტორანი
ფუდ მარკეტი
Magic Candy
ATC აერო სტრუქტურები
ნიუ ვიჟენ დაზღვევა
მალ მალე
ეპამ სისტემსი
სასტუმრო თეორია
New Vision University
Hotel Shota Rustaveli
King David Hotel

კდ მეტა რესტორანი,ფუდ მარკეტი,Magic Candy,m-group,Timeless,ჯიბე,Hyster,დიო,ATC აერო სტრუქტურები,ნიუ ვიჟენ დაზღვევა,დეამედი,მალ მალე,ბადაგონი,ეპამ სისტემსი,სასტუმრო თეორია,აზრი,New Vision University,ჩვენი,პოლი,აისითი,Xiaomi,Hotel Shota Rustaveli,King David Hotel,