ტელ: (032) 2 11 06 26

Frequently Asked Questions | Supta.ge

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions, asked by our clients

Both, physical and legal entities can place an order on www.supta.ge . For legal entities, it is required to register or authorize to place an order, while physical entities can make it even without registration, submitting just mobile number.

For corporate and partner companies, both in Tbilisi and the regions, delivery is free of charge. For non-partner companies and natural persons, delivery of the purchased products above GEL 100 is free of charge within Tbilisi. A single order in the regions is calculated individually.

If your/your company cooperates with our company and we sing an agreement on a monthly basis, you will receive individual prices and terms. The prices and terms accepted for you/your company depends on the volume of monthly purchased orders. For mor details please contact us on tel: 032 2 11 06 26, or send us an e-mail on sales@supta.ge.

If you place an order on our web-page until 2:00am, you will receive the order on the same business day, and orders placed after 2:00am will be delivered on the next business day.

There are 3 payment methods on www.supta.ge:


  1. Wire Transfer via invoice.

This method requires registration and can be used for both, physical and legal entities;

Submit order (Receive invoice via email) – clicking this button. (on the basket page )

  1. Credit Card payments with the cards issued by the commercial banks registered in Georgia. For legal entities it is mandatory to pass through the registration or authorization process and pay with business card, while physical entities can place an order without registration/ authorization, submitting just mobile number;

Pay By Card -  clicking this button. (on the basket page)

  1. Payments with 6 (six) Crypto Currencies - Bitcoin, LiteCoin, Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin gold, Dash & Z cash.

This payment method is generally used for physical entities. Both registered or nonregistered costumers can make payments submitting only mobile number;

Pay with Crypto - clicking this button. (on the basket page).

Any product that is not identical to the placed order or is defective, should be replaced. The defect must be determined at the moment of the delivery, otherwise claim will not be accepted

კდ მეტა რესტორანი
ფუდ მარკეტი
Magic Candy
ფსიქიკური ჯანმრთელობის და ნარკომანიის პრევენციის ცენტრი
ATC აერო სტრუქტურები
ნიუ ვიჟენ დაზღვევა
მალ მალე
ეპამ სისტემსი
სასტუმრო თეორია
New Vision University
Hotel Shota Rustaveli
King David Hotel
კდ მეტა რესტორანი,ფუდ მარკეტი,Magic Candy,m-group,Timeless,ჯიბე,Hyster,Foodmart,დიო,ფსიქიკური ჯანმრთელობის და ნარკომანიის პრევენციის ცენტრი,ATC აერო სტრუქტურები,FRIXX,MINISO,ნიუ ვიჟენ დაზღვევა,დეამედი,მალ მალე,ბადაგონი,ეპამ სისტემსი,სასტუმრო თეორია,აზრი,სანდალი,რესპუბლიკა,New Vision University,ჩვენი,პოლი,აისითი,Xiaomi,Hotel Shota Rustaveli,King David Hotel,
https://supta.ge/img/qveda_marjvena_baneri_eng.webp invoicemob
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